
Table Of Contents

1. What is Duke?
2. Features
3. Getting Started
        3.1 How to install Duke?
        3.2 How to use Duke?
4. Contact Us

1. What is Duke?

Duke is a task management tool which will help the users to manage their tasks. The users can use Duke with the least actions to do the most complicated task management.

2. Features

  1. Add a task
    • Type of tasks:
      1. todo: a task to be done.
      2. event: a event that happens at the given time.
      3. deadline: a task to be done before the deadline.
  2. Check the list of tasks
    • list out the tasks saved in the application.
  3. Find the tasks
    • find the tasks that have same keyword in the their task description.
  4. Delete the task
    • delete the unwanted task from the list of tasks.
  5. Mark the task as done
    • mark the task as done after the user has complete the task.
  6. Undo the action
    • undo the wrong action and set the list of tasks back to the previous list.

3. Getting Started

3.1 How to install Duke?

3.2 How to use Duke?

Command | Purpose | Result ———– | ———– | ———– todo [Description] | Add a task of todo type to the list of tasks | New task added onto the list with the tag of [T]. event [Description] + “/at” + [Time (dd/ mm/ yy hhmm)] | Add a task of event type to the list of tasks | New task added onto the list with the tag of [E]. deadline [Description] + “/by” + [Time (dd/ mm/ yy hhmm)] | Add a task of deadline type to the list of tasks | New task added onto the list with the tag of [D]. list | List out the taks. | A list of tasks is shown. done | Mark the task as done. | The marked task is shown on the list with the tag of [/] to indicate its status of completion is done. delete | Delete the unwanted task. | A new list of tasks is shown without the deleted task. undo | Undo the action. | The list of tasks from previous action will be shown. find | Find the tasks that the description of the tasks contains the keyword. | Only the tasks match the requirement will be shown.

4. Contact Us

For any issues, queries or suggestion, feel free to contact the developer with the github account name : TCQian